We are big active family who love life. Fit with your kid is our new project and is about self parenting. Your kids will be like you, they learn from you, they watch you, and they undoubtedly love you. So, we work on ourselves, and when kids want to be, they are very quietly involved. They see how we do sport, learn music, work in the garden, and solve financial tasks. They see how we treat nature and communicate with people. They learn from us how to make new friends, how to do a project from the start until the end result. They learn how to be happy without TV or breaking news, what is tradition and what is challenge. They learn about your genealogical tree and where they fit in to it, what routine is and its importance, what books are for and how to make movies, what programming language is and how to use it in ordinary life. We love how life is happening around us, and we show it to our kids. We do a lot of projects where you can take part with your kids and some that are just for kids or just for you. We are always open for a family experience. You can follow us in social networks and in our blog. We are exited to new connections. At the end of every day we are fitter and fitter. Fit with your kid!